Waltech's Homepage


Baltimore, Maryland

     This page designed for ANY web browser!!
          There are NO graphics, frames or tables.
         This page last changed 11 May 2023
        folder Guitar Chords was added

Key topics:
Linux, social dance, guitar chord charts, genealogy,
webmail, BBC audio, personal bookmarks


a separate Linux page: Unix clone; introductory info, software, archives, vendors.


a separate dance page: Maryland and International dance;
ballroom, swing, country/western, shag, polka, square.


Digital Signal Processing : Walt's Study Guide to the Steven Smith book.

Sager and Smith Genealogy

Sager from Rockingham County, VA and Smith from Carroll County, Maryland.

Guitar Chord Charts

Mostly WORD .doc files, with a few pdf and jpg

News, international


Personal Bookmarks

Click here to send Walt Smith mail. Walt is proprietor, engineer, dancer, and chief bottle washer.