This "0 README.TXT" applies to: BASIC FORMAT: The font used is Lucinda Console, which is a fixed font in Windows. Also called monofont ( descriptive term ). Courier is a fix point font but isn't dark enough for my taste. There are fonts not in Windows that are fixed point. Edit to a proportional font at your own risk .. Base font is 12 point, title is 16 point bold, margins are L 1.0 , T 0.5, B 0.5, R 0.0, chords are bold, most have a "page break" to keep paragraphs together, which can be made visible, If you find you do NOT have Lucinda Console as a font, choose another common fixed space font such as Courier New. I have not found how to set font in libreoffice for android phones. Also, I am not familiar with Chromebook font settings, whether you have an Word (.doc) viewer or not. If worse comes to worse, convert to .pdf ( you just can't edit the .pdf yourself ). 1. My site has other files such as pdf and picture files. I was too lazy to be selective. 2. Not ALL the class tunes are included (yet). 3. Many earlier .doc I did are in crappy formats or only partly complete. I can fix those if requested 4. The folder will *not* necessarily be updated often. Desired updates I ( or you ) will generally email first. USES of Editing: 5. When you download your own copy, you can edit to your hearts delight. Jane Doe has already deleted empty lines in one to reduce a 3-page down to 2 page. 5a. You can reduce repeated chorus text to ONE chorus and add something like [play chorus here]. It can reduce page count. 5b. or if its easier to follow chording when playing straight thru, you can ADD the chorus line back in everywhere. 5c. You can delete the chord image at the beginning.. or add an image with chords you choose. Any images inserted into your chord file can easily be scaled larger or smaller within the document !! 5d. Same for strum pattern images that are copied. 5e. you can add your own notes and comments. 5f. You can change the font size to larger or smaller. ( larger may require changing some of the lines ) 5g. You can make everything capitalized. for easier reading. 5h. You can edit anything: in particular, maybe you want to SIMPLIFY the chords you see, or ADD chords in more bars. 5I.. If a song has short lines -- or can be ARRANGED with short lines, you can print in landscape, 2 columns. 5J. If you KNOW the song, you can delete strums, chord graphs, images, notes, extra chorus' (i.e. EVERYTHING ) leaving a much shorter lyric print. 6 You can print only the pages you want: if the last page is full of riffs or notes, simply don't print the last sheet. 7. VIEWING .doc in ANDROID ( 08/17/2023 ) Libreoffice will not line up the chords properly with lyrics. This is overcome temporarily by converting the .doc file to .pdf onto the website.